Source code for ssdeep

This is a straightforward Python wrapper for ssdeep by Jesse Kornblum,
which is a library for computing Context Triggered Piecewise Hashes (CTPH).

import os

import six

# Ignore flake8 F401 warning for unused vars
from ssdeep.__about__ import (  # noqa: F401
    __author__, __copyright__, __email__, __license__, __summary__, __title__,
    __uri__, __version__
from ssdeep._libfuzzy import ffi, lib

[docs]class BaseError(Exception): """The base for all other Exceptions""" pass
[docs]class InternalError(BaseError): """Raised if lib returns internal error""" pass
class BaseHash(object): """ Base class used to implement some general functions for the Hash and PseudoHash class. """ @property def block_size(self): """ The block size used to calculate the hash. This depends on the length of the source string. :return: block size """ size, _, _ = self.digest().partition(":") return int(size) @property def name(self): """ The canonical name of this hash :return: ssdeep """ return "ssdeep" def digest(self, elimseq=False, notrunc=False): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Hash(BaseHash): """ Hashlib like object. It is only supported with ssdeep/libfuzzy >= 2.10. :raises InternalError: If lib returns internal error :raises NotImplementedError: Required functions are not available """ def __init__(self): self._state = ffi.NULL if not hasattr(lib, "fuzzy_new"): raise NotImplementedError("Only supported with ssdeep >= 2.10") self._state = lib.fuzzy_new() if self._state == ffi.NULL: raise InternalError("Unable to create state object")
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a copy of this hash object. :return: Return a copy of the hash object. :rtype: Hash :raises InternalError: If the lib returns an internal error """ if self._state == ffi.NULL: raise InternalError("State object is NULL") newstate = lib.fuzzy_clone(self._state) if newstate == ffi.NULL: raise InternalError("cloning of fuzzy state object failed") new = Hash.__new__(Hash) new._state = newstate return new
[docs] def update(self, buf, encoding="utf-8"): """ Feed the data contained in the given buffer to the state. :param String|Byte buf: The data to be hashed :param String encoding: Encoding is used if buf is String :raises InternalError: If lib returns an internal error :raises TypeError: If buf is not Bytes, String or Unicode """ if self._state == ffi.NULL: raise InternalError("State object is NULL") if isinstance(buf, six.text_type): buf = buf.encode(encoding) if not isinstance(buf, six.binary_type): raise TypeError( "Argument must be of string, unicode or bytes type not " "'%r'" % type(buf) ) if lib.fuzzy_update(self._state, buf, len(buf)) != 0: lib.fuzzy_free(self._state) raise InternalError("Invalid state object")
[docs] def digest(self, elimseq=False, notrunc=False): """ Obtain the fuzzy hash. This operation does not change the state at all. It reports the hash for the concatenation of the data previously fed using update(). :return: The fuzzy hash :rtype: String :raises InternalError: If lib returns an internal error """ if self._state == ffi.NULL: raise InternalError("State object is NULL") flags = (lib.FUZZY_FLAG_ELIMSEQ if elimseq else 0) | \ (lib.FUZZY_FLAG_NOTRUNC if notrunc else 0) result ="char[]", lib.FUZZY_MAX_RESULT) if lib.fuzzy_digest(self._state, result, flags) != 0: raise InternalError("Function returned an unexpected error code") return ffi.string(result).decode("ascii")
def __del__(self): if self._state != ffi.NULL: lib.fuzzy_free(self._state)
[docs]class PseudoHash(BaseHash): """ Hashlib like object. Use this class only if Hash() isn't supported by your ssdeep/libfuzzy library. This class stores the provided data in memory, so be careful when hashing large files. """ def __init__(self): self._data = b""
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a copy of this hash object. :return: Return a copy of the hash object. :rtype: PseudoHash :raises InternalError: If the lib returns an internal error """ new = PseudoHash() new.update(self._data) return new
[docs] def update(self, buf, encoding="utf-8"): """ Feed the data contained in the given buffer to the state. :param String|Byte buf: The data to be hashed :param String encoding: Encoding is used if buf is String :raises TypeError: If buf is not Bytes, String or Unicode """ if isinstance(buf, six.text_type): buf = buf.encode(encoding) if not isinstance(buf, six.binary_type): raise TypeError( "Argument must be of string, unicode or bytes type not " "'%r'" % type(buf) ) self._data = self._data + buf
[docs] def digest(self, elimseq=False, notrunc=False): """ Obtain the fuzzy hash. This operation does not change the state at all. It reports the hash for the concatenation of the data previously fed using update(). :return: The fuzzy hash :rtype: String """ return hash(self._data)
[docs]def compare(sig1, sig2): """ Computes the match score between two fuzzy hash signatures. Returns a value from zero to 100 indicating the match score of the two signatures. A match score of zero indicates the signatures did not match. :param Bytes|String sig1: First fuzzy hash signature :param Bytes|String sig2: Second fuzzy hash signature :return: Match score (0-100) :rtype: Integer :raises InternalError: If lib returns an internal error :raises TypeError: If sig is not String, Unicode or Bytes """ if isinstance(sig1, six.text_type): sig1 = sig1.encode("ascii") if isinstance(sig2, six.text_type): sig2 = sig2.encode("ascii") if not isinstance(sig1, six.binary_type): raise TypeError( "First argument must be of string, unicode or bytes type not " "'%s'" % type(sig1) ) if not isinstance(sig2, six.binary_type): raise TypeError( "Second argument must be of string, unicode or bytes type not " "'%r'" % type(sig2) ) res = lib.fuzzy_compare(sig1, sig2) if res < 0: raise InternalError("Function returned an unexpected error code") return res
[docs]def hash(buf, encoding="utf-8"): """ Compute the fuzzy hash of a buffer :param String|Bytes buf: The data to be fuzzy hashed :return: The fuzzy hash :rtype: String :raises InternalError: If lib returns an internal error :raises TypeError: If buf is not String or Bytes """ if isinstance(buf, six.text_type): buf = buf.encode(encoding) if not isinstance(buf, six.binary_type): raise TypeError( "Argument must be of string, unicode or bytes type not " "'%r'" % type(buf) ) # allocate memory for result result ="char[]", lib.FUZZY_MAX_RESULT) if lib.fuzzy_hash_buf(buf, len(buf), result) != 0: raise InternalError("Function returned an unexpected error code") return ffi.string(result).decode("ascii")
[docs]def hash_from_file(filename): """ Compute the fuzzy hash of a file. Opens, reads, and hashes the contents of the file 'filename' :param String|Bytes filename: The name of the file to be hashed :return: The fuzzy hash of the file :rtype: String :raises IOError: If Python is unable to read the file :raises InternalError: If lib returns an internal error """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("Path not found") if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError("File not found") if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): raise IOError("File is not readable") result ="char[]", lib.FUZZY_MAX_RESULT) if lib.fuzzy_hash_filename(filename.encode("utf-8"), result) != 0: raise InternalError("Function returned an unexpected error code") return ffi.string(result).decode("ascii")